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FTL: Faster Than Light

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Никто не гамился в такое? ;)

Забавно оформленная мысль.. я подобного не встречал.. ;) видюшки на ютубе гляньте.. ;)

СпойлерWhat is FTL?

FTL is a spaceship simulation roguelike-like. Its aim is to recreate the atmosphere of running a spaceship exploring the galaxy (like Firefly/Star Trek/BSG etc.) In any given episode of those classic shows, the captain is always yelling “Reroute power to shields!” or giving commands to the engineer now that their Warp Core is on fire.  We wanted that experience, as opposed to the “dog fighting in space” that most videogames focus on.  We wanted a game where we had to manage the crew, fix the engines, reroute power to shields, target the enemy life support, and then figure out how to repel the boarders that just transported over![свернуть]

я гамился

кстати она уже вышла,ссыль дать?

Добрая вещь, сбалансированная, оригинальная.

мне только не понравилась система оружия! на космическом коробле максимом 4 пушки!


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